Friday, May 21, 2010

Born To Win

In one day, in a modest house that looks a kindergarten child was crying in front of his mother who was sitting on the couch, "Mom, why did I lost the race run?, And I wanted to be champions, so the champion and took home trophies for mother ... "
Suddenly, his son, who was in grade school comes with a scowling face, saw his son looked sad, the mother asked, "Why are your faces folded like that? What's wrong son?"

With the upset feelings the child replied, "That was at school I was punished by standing in front of the classroom teacher because the value of repetition in the lowest math class, I'm not ashamed, embarrassed ...!".
Not long ago, came back child perempuannyayang still junior, entered, slamming the door ... brakk! "Hey, why are you? Come-come angry, yes mbok polite little, love a good example to your sisters ...".

"I fail to participate Physics Olympiad Mom, my dreams have run aground, now I did not want to learn more!", Replied the boy.
Atmosphere tense moment, it suddenly came to her eldest son had just graduated high school which is not less gloomy and a direct slap in the body of the sofa, all eyes full of question marks. With a low voice and teary eyes, the boy said, "I failed to be accepted to university, I do not know what to do anymore ... Maafbu, I failed ..."

Now the atmosphere truly becomes quiet, the kids look sad with thoughts of each. Seen his mother frowned, tried to think hard. Soon after the mother's voice broke the silence, "My children, you do besedih. The failure of you today, that does not mean you will fail tomorrow, after tomorrow or forever. Make your failure today as leaders in their zeal to succeed tomorrow. Failure is the circuit process to succeed. You do not behave like a loser who mourn every failure. Believe me, you were born is not a loser, you were born to win ...! Now rose up, take the water wudlu ago sholatlah. Dhuhr Time has come ".
Then the children rushed to obey orders rose anakpun the mother, their hearts are now quite calm.

Yes, his mother said is true, we are born to win ...! Since we are, we are indeed already be a winner. First, as we are still a seed of man, are not we struggled to compete against millions of other sperm cells to reach the mother's egg cell. Then we're the winners so we are born into this world. How once we have overcome so many competitors, we are not really great. Why now we are not that great at first?

So friend, it should inspire us so that we become much more abundant than ourselves that there is today. But unfortunately, now with the passage of time, we become forgotten by the beginning of the creation of ourselves, forgetting the beginning of a spectacular success once achieved.

Unfortunately, now only deal with small failures we have easily turned into a coward who moping, we are not even shy away from barriers and problems facing. When something goes wrong in accordance with what we want, we become discouraged, pessimistic, and negative thinking.

Always remember the wise words, "Keep your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become tindakanAnda. Take care of your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character."

If it becomes your nature to keep the thoughts, words, actions and habits, you will be able to easily get rid of your negative thoughts arise when that accompany failure. Negative mindset is the result of the chaotic emotions, without considering common sense. If you are already aware of it, you can be sure of good for yourself and success will continue to be close to you.

Hellen Keller, seoarang who are blind, deaf and mute, but able to graduate from Harvard University and has inspired millions of people say, "No one pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to the land that has not been listed on the map, or opened a new door for the human soul. "

Believe me friends, we are born not to be seoarng pessimistic, not to be a loser ..., we were born to win!

Confidence and Positive Perceptions

Is the most perfect human beings created by God the mighty creator, part of the creation, man carrying the properties owned by the creating, for example, the nature of jealousy, anger, affection, etc., the above properties are also owned by Lord who created, but with the highest levels, often we begin with the word "MOST", for example most dear, most jealous and others.
With the existence of such a perfect relationship, it is not wrong if God says that: "I according to the words / perceptions of my servant", it turns out there is a relationship here that could not be detected visually.

In Pray, we must have confidence and a positive perception that we do prayers was answered by God.
Linked with other human beings as a status equally God's creation, then the above properties is also owned by another human,
Therefore, positive perceptions towards our fellow human beings must always bear in us,

We see other humans have the advantage in material things, then we get used to seeing the benefits of those with positive perceptions (the source and the process he gets the more these materials), must have a positive impact on us will also, thoughts, feelings and actions in our lives, we will automatically productivity in positive.

My own experience in finding jobs, for example, in November 1997, (when the monetary crisis), with a capital of a local call, and the yellow book / yellow pages TELKOM-Jakarta.
I phoned the company's HR manager in Bogor, I say that "I have a great potential to be developed, I was fresh graduated and have a superior ability to analyze and count", and more importantly is that I perceive also that the HR manager will accept me with I am saying the potential benefits, the result, two days later I went to work at the company.
Until now I wake up a positive perception of self and others by always seeing the positive as well.
Please try....

The Secret of Prayer had been Answered

Prayer, is a word that was already known to us, we may even have known since we're in the mother's womb.

Prayer also has always been the handle of every person in this life, and rightfully so it is. We can not forget the prayer in our lives.
However, there are some of us, who feel that prayer that she, turning to the Almighty God, why have never been granted. In fact they are always praying at every step of life.

In every prayer we must always ask God ... the abundant good fortune, so that we can live comfortable and happy. And, it turns out it never happened. Why?
There are still many people who feel that they are searching for fortune and how difficult it is for his own life. Many of us, the confusion over how to obtain a fortune. Works very hard, solely to get money in large amounts, but still only get very little, or not even get it at all.
Well, here's what they often feel like a “stepchild." by God, for why they never answered prayer to God.

In this case, I just want to remind all of us, including myself, that the actual God always grant the prayer of every human being, with over 3 (three) ways, namely:

1. Prayer that directly granted:
It can be enjoyed by those who pray, God is given in accordance with what is being prayed. This prayer is usually the scholars / kyai, guardians of God, prophets, and apostles.
2. Prayers are answered in a way replaced:
Desire is prayer, was replaced by God with one sure thing is better. For example, people praying to get a lot of money, and her prayers be replaced by God with saving her from the distress that threatens his soul.
3. The prayer was granted by way of hanging:
This is actually a prayer that was granted to the majority of mankind, including all of us who feel as human beings. Prayer is suspended, the meaning is, that we are turning to prayer to God is "already granted by God", but in a condition "is still hanging over", that we must achieve if we want to quickly get results from our prayers.
The term "suspended", was to provide understanding for everyone that required an effort as much as possible from our own self; to achieve "suspended from it." If we keep trying with a persistent, focused, never give up and always eager to positive, it would certainly end our prayers we can get. As high as any God hung "prayer had been answered him", surely we can achieve it, if we have the will and perseverance in trying to reach.

Every wish come true understanding about our prayers, as my description above is very important. If you already understand, that the Almighty God that our prayers are always turning to Him, then we will not be easy to blame God. Should we "self-introspection," how far we've been trying to reach our own prayers are.
So much from me, hopefully useful.

Build Value, Reflecting On Let's Emperor Hirohito

At the end of the allied bombing of Japan, which is marked by the collapse of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, practically the entire territory of Japan suffered almost complete destruction. In a grave situation, the emperor of Japan at that time, Emperor Hirohito, doing inspection tours to see directly the conditions of its people.

There is one question asked the emperor to his staff, who will never be forgotten by the nation of Japan until this second. The Emperor was not asking how many factories are left, how many banks are still open, or how many houses are still standing. His only question was, "How many teachers that we still have?"
Results from this short dialogue was incredible. Japan is now turned, as if they who colonized the Americas. In 2006, the car manufacturer Toyota soared to number one car manufacturer worldwide. For the U.S. market alone, two local giants, Ford and General Motors-up-up had to reduce its employees for their continued market eroded by Toyota.

What is the essence of the story? None other than the spirit to build value. In the eyes of marketing knowledge, values defined as (functional benefits + emotional benefits) / total give. In simple language, increasing the value from a product or a service meant to give more benefits to customers or consumers, so that they will get more than just products they buy.
Of course, to understand what benefits can we create, or how to increase the value of our products, need a process to learn and keep learning. That is why Emperor Hirohito is very concerned with how many teachers are still "left". Japan is indeed a portrait of a nation that has a higher awareness to build its value.

Year 2007 has started and we entered the competition in various fields would be even harder. Whatever the field or type of business you are doing, of course you want to always appear as a winner right? And value is the one thing that will make you or your product is perceived "different" than your competitors. Value is the key to emerge as winners.

However, an effort to build value will require humility to "willing" learning, and this was often a constraint. Even Jim Collins in his book Good To Great to the point of saying, "Good is the enemy of great. And that's one of the main reasons why we only have so little things can become great."

Penetrating Limitations

Penetrating Limitations

Dog fleas are animals that can jump 300 times its body height.
However, what happens when he entered into an empty matchbox and then left there for one to two weeks? Result, the lice were now only able to jump just as high as matchbox!
His ability to jump 300 times its body height was suddenly lost.

Here's what happened. When the lice that was in the box of matches he tried to jump high. But he hit a wall box of matches. He tried again and hit again. Continue so that he began to doubt his own abilities.

He began thinking, "It seems that my ability to jump is just this hour." Then adjusted to the height leap a matchbox. Safe. He did not hit. At which point he became very confident, "Now am I right? Ability, I was just this hour. Here I am!"

When ticks had been removed from the box of matches, he still feels that limit the ability to leap only as tall as a matchbox. The lice were living like that till the end of life. Capabilities those are not really visible. His life has been limited by their environment.

Indeed in us also a lot of matchbooks. Suppose you have a boss who did not have proper leadership. He's the type of person who always afraid competed subordinates, so he deliberately hamper our career development. When you try to jump high, he never praised, even very offended. She is an example of a matchbox that can be your dwarf.

Coworkers also can be a box of matches. Try to remember, when he talks like this, "What's wrong with you work hard like that, you'll never be promoted, anyway." Remember! They are a box of matches. They can inhibit the development of your own potential.

Matches can also be shaped body is less than perfect conditions, low education levels, poverty, age and other else. If all of that into a matchbox so will hinder your performance and actual ability is not reflected in everyday activities.

When the potential of you who actually want to appear, you must take action to penetrate that matchbox. Look Ucok aunt; with a high body below average he is able to become a presenter on television. You also must know Helen Keller. With the eyes of the blind, deaf and "mute" he was able to graduate from Harvard University. Bill Gates was not completed his undergraduate education, but could become "king" of computers. Andre Wongso, did not finish primary school but could become the number one motivator in Indonesia.

Another example of State Owned Enterprises Ministry, Mr Sugiharto, who had been a hawkers, carpenters and porters in the port parking. Poverty does not slow him down to go ahead. Even before becoming a minister, he has become an executive at one of the leading companies.

So it is with Nelson Mandela. He became South African president after he was past 65 years.
Colonel Sanders to build a successful fast food restaurant chain when he has more than 62 years.

Well, if you're still stuck with a box of matches, you’re basically still colonized. People like Ucok Baba, Helen Keller, Andre Wongso, Sugiharto, Bill Gates and Nelson Mandela is a person who is able to penetrate the confines of a matchbox. They are examples of people figure that is free, so it can penetrate its limitations.